Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
How D'Ye Like Me (Effeminacy)


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How D'Ye Like Me
How D'Ye Like Me (Effeminacy)

"Little Master is kept in the Nursery 'till he is five or six years old, at least, after which he is sent to a Girl's School, to learn Dancing and reading,...and the Child is of a tender Constitution: well may it be so, when the Tone of his Stomach has been spoil'd with Tea, when his Blood is curdled with now and then a Dram, to keep the Mother in Countenance; when the Boy's Constitution is half torn to pieces with Apothecary's slip slops....
Besides, his whole Animal Fabrick is enervated for want of due Exercise; and he is grown so chilly by over nursing, that he gets Cold with the least Breath of Wind....For at the Mistress's School, he was brought up in all respects like a Girl,... for his Mamma had charged him not to play with rude Boys, for fear of spoiling his Cloathes; so that hitherto our young Gentleman has amused himself with Dolls, assisted at mock Christenings, Visits, and other girlish Employments, inviting and being invited to drink Tea with this or that School-fellow."
Satan's Harvest Home, anonymous, 1749


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